Grommy grom, Honda’s new hotness

I love tiny bikes. Unfor­tu­nately a lot of tiny bikes are just not usable on a day to day basis. Also unfor­tu­nate, is the fact that I’m poor and can’t have more than one bike. Enter the 2014 Honda Grom.

With it’s rel­a­tively cheap $2,999 stat­ing price, any­one can get one (except for me because I already have a bike)! This low power, low cost, low height option will allow many young rid­ers get a taste of free­dom. It also looks like a blast to ride. Peo­ple are report­ing 100+ MPG in these bikes and with a few tweaks, some have even got­ten up to free­way speeds.

I def­i­nitely don’t rec­om­mend going on the free­way on some­thing that can only do 70 mph. It’s dan­ger­ous, because it takes the Grom for­ever to get up to that speed and because no one does the speed limit. But it is possible!

Take a look at this Red­foo look­ing hip­ster guy just destroy some MotoX with a Grom at a Honda event:

This just makes me want one even more! Hope­fully these pop up on craigslist for $1500 in a year or so!

Groms are also great for short rid­ers. Just lis­ten to the praise com­ing from a 4’11″ woman:

Geez, these things sound fun! GIVE ME ONE!

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