Home sweet home

Every Novem­ber, peo­ple come from all over the world to com­pete on the Macau Street Course. There are a num­ber of races includ­ing Motor­cy­cle, Tour­ing Car, and Formula.



Because it is a street course, all of the cor­ners are super nar­row and there is absolutely no run off. This makes the course very dan­ger­ous. Many peo­ple have lost their lives run­ning on this track. Take a ride on the rear of a BMW S1000RR:

This guy has more balls than I’ll ever have. Going into these cor­ners at those speeds is just insane. I really love watch­ing the Macau GP every year, but you never know when it’ll be someone’s last lap, EVER.

You can jump over to Speed Hunters to see some choice pic­tures from last year. Happy racing!

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