NASCAR now with entertainment!

I never knew that NASCAR signed a con­tract with UFC, but you learn some­thing every­day! Dur­ing this NASCAR race, Brian Scott (whiter guy) rubs up against Nel­son Piquet Junior (South Amer­i­can white guy). After which Piquet spins Scott’s car and car­ries about his busi­ness. Now, it looks like both of them are dicks (see NASCAR). Obvi­ously both of these guys have some prob­lems, maybe anger man­age­ment issues.

After the race Scott looks for Piquet to give him a stern talk­ing to, and Piquet wasn’t hav­ing none of that. Instead, Piquet pushes Scott and then decides to fol­low that up with a “nut cracker”.

Well accord­ing to TTAC, I guess “nut crack­ers” run in the fam­ily because after a race with Nel­son Piquet Senior he also tried to pull off the move. Unfor­tu­nately his oppo­nent was more expe­ri­enced and was able to dodge the attack. You can see the fight below at about 0:35 in:

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