Scooter GANG!

On my recent Oahu trip, my friends and I decided that we should create a gang. A SCOOTER GANG! w00t w00t!

It was a ton of fun for every­one involved. While our skill lev­els var­ied from begin­ner to sea­son motor­cy­clists, our group man­aged not to crash. There were a few close calls, but we def­i­nitely did bet­ter than I thought.

We rented our scoot­ers from Hawai­ian Style Rentals, which has awe­some deals! Because it’s so much fun to scoot and because it was such a good deal, we ended up rent­ing for two full days! Our new­bies opted for the SYM DD50, this is a very capa­ble two stroke scooter. We man­aged to get over large hills with­out too much trou­ble. Hawai­ian Style also offers a sport ver­sion of theDD50. They informed us that this is a mod­i­fied DD50, and it was a lot faster. Finally the most expe­ri­enced rid­ers got the Jet 50 EVO. This scooter pretty sim­i­lar to the mod­i­fied DD50 in speed, but because of the higher stance of the EVO, the han­dling char­ac­ter­is­tics were closer to that of a sport bike. You can enjoy a lower lean angle on the EVO which made it a lot of fun through the hills.

Take a look at our videos above!

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