Subaru X Puma: Launch Control

I’m pretty excited that more focus is going to Motor­sports in Amer­ica. Launch Con­trol is a new series on Vimeo that focuses on Rally Amer­i­can and ral­ly­cross. I’ve been a die hard WRC jun­kee since I was young, and ral­ly­cross is just more orga­nized ral­ly­ing. The main dif­fer­ence between the two is that the com­peti­tors are all on the same course in ral­ly­cross. It’s extra excit­ing see­ing all the cars on the track at the same time and there’s always the dan­ger of crashes around every bend.

I remem­ber watch­ing Who Am I as a child and just mar­veling at the Mit­subishi Lancer Evo­lu­tionIV and Mit­subishi Dakar trucks. I think Jackie Chan movies were one of the rea­sons that cars caught my interest.

Sub­aru and Mit­subishi were always neck and neck in WRC dur­ing the 90s. See­ing the two man­u­fac­tur­ers fight for the top spot in the cham­pi­onship was cap­ti­vat­ing. And this new series cap­tures all of that child­hood won­der­ment that I had! It’s really worth a look.

SOURCE: Jalopnik

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