Thunderhill West in Reverse?

Finally got a chance to experience Thunderhill West in the clockwise configuration! The track was surprisingly fast for a little track and I had a ton of fun finally being able to track our shared 636 track bike.

This was also the most packed even I had ever attended! It was probably because of so many cancelations that happened this year. Fun Track Dayz kept the whole event pretty smooth though, so I’m very happy I got to attend.

I originally signed up for intermediate but got placed in novice. So as you can see there was a TON of traffic. But since this was my first real outting in the 636 and I had never done the clockwise configuration before I decided to stick with it. Unfortunately, my Gear 360 started messing up while I was on track, so I only got 1.5 sessions worth of video. ? Enjoy!

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